Wow. 2010? No Posts? And 2012 is almost here. I can't believe it.
It's been a crazy couple of years. I have a new little one. Two is fabulous. We have moved and are living a much greener life in that big space up there above the United States. We are living a life of gardening for our food, living our life in the present, and most importantly, I believe, we have decided what is important.
As I read through my posts from the past, I can now reflect back on the anxiety and craziness that once surrounded our lives. Yes. On one hand, I still feel a pull to be a part of the fight. No one ever wants to "give up". And from an ethical perspective, we could get into a long winded drive about how we have to stand up because what is happening is wrong, but all American's know the state of the US right now and while we would like to blame it on one President or another, it's actually our own fault because we keep electing Congress back.
But then there is the other hand: Is fighting really the greenest thing you can do for yourself and family? We have all seen the movie about poor Robert Kearns and the intermintent windshield wiper. It took that poor man his family, his dignity, money, sanity and time to fight. I have personally seen this and frankly, when who you are dealing with is so corrupt and PROTECTED by the very government that is to protect you, it's citizen, it's small local business, then there is not much one can do except accept reality and move on. As we have done.
The bottom line is that in American policy you may get your voice through to a few, but tomorrow, someone with more money is going to come along and erase everything you have done. And their intentions are for profit, not for what's best.
So. I apologize to all of my fellow Vapers out there... but I have two small kids and I HAVE to do what's right by them.
I have learned a ton recently about organic gardening, home canning and preserving, and more green ways of living. So if I write, it will be about that. But I still haven't decided because frankly, as nice as a blog can be, I would rather be outside, living with the kids. =)
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Thursday, September 24, 2009
FDA Racketeering? What In the World is Going On?
So it is no big secret that I am a smoker. I choose an alternative way of smoking and that is through an electronic cigarette. Right now, the FDA wants to take my electronic cigarette away because they claim it is a "new drug", even though it contains approximately 589 ingredients less than tobacco before burning. It also uses vaporization, which means that it can also be noted it probably reduces the by-products associated with a combustionable cigarette by at least 4000 ingredients, including and not limited to the big ones, arsenic, acetic acid, acetone, ammonia, benzene, cadmium, carbon monoxide, hydrazine, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide... the list goes on... you get the picture.
In my quest to fight the FDA on this ridiculousness that the electronic cigarette should not be compared to the current pharmaceutical and FDA approved Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT's), but be compared to a cigarette, I have been running into some very interesting articles that concern me.
First, I do want to make a small disclaimer. I have always been a fan of the idea of the FDA. From all of my research, it is very important to note that the original reason the FDA was formed was due to concerns that businesses were selling products promising some golden miracle, when in fact, they were not. The FDA was also created to ensure that food manufacturing processes were clean and sanitary to not spread disease through the masses. I agree with this mission whole heartedly, however, lately, I am finding more and more instances of the FDA misleading the public under the guise of public health and eliminating some very good products and impeding on the small business, free market society that America should have.
In a nutshell, I think the FDA has accumulated too much power, through both legislation and just by taking it, and this greatly concerns me for the future of America, for both products that SHOULD be evaluated by the FDA and for those that really have no business being regulated by the FDA, such as tobacco. It dilutes their focus and also leads them to do things that well, are simply not in the best interest of the consumer.
One very important fact everyone should know about the FDA: In 1992, Congress passed new legislation that changed where the FDA gets their financial backing. Originally, the FDA was funded by the taxpayer which would mean, they work for the people. The new legislation stated that the FDA shall now receive a portion of their funding from the very companies who seek approval for their products. So now, the FDA is actually working for the pharmaceutical companies who wish to get you, the consumer, to not look at your diet when you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but take a small little pill. Did you know this? I didn't. I had no idea that the FDA was paid for in part by the very people who want us to use their drugs. This also puts into perspective why TV commercials regarding this drug and that drug have been running rampant on the television since 1997. Coincidence? Hmmm....
Today's journey, provided to me by a new blogger,, has set the wheels in motion again. In one of his posts he sent me to an article in Natural News titled FDA Running Extortion Racket: Natural Supplement Companies Threatened with Arrest if They Don't Pay Up. Now, many will read this article and my post and say that this is simply a conspiracy theory run a muck. However, if one does a very simple Google Search on FDA (insert any negative word from Sucks, Scams, Extortion, Bad for your Health, etc), there are a lot of groups of people out there who are very concerned about the future with the FDA in it. Add them all together, and you will find some very common threads. VERY Common and they are all very concerning.
Everything in the article was concerning... And it is definitely an excellent read. However, the passage I found most interesting was this:
"It is the FDA's position that there is no such thing as any food, beverage, supplement or herb that has any health benefit whatsoever. Merely making such a claim instantly qualifies your product as a "new and unapproved drug," according to the FDA.
Officially, the FDA claims all health products are inert and have no properties other than their macronutrients (fiber, carbohydrates, protein, etc.).
There is only one class of substances that have any biological effect on the human body, the FDA claims: Pharmaceuticals. Only those patented, synthetic chemicals are allowed to be described as having benefits to human health."
So wait. If I don't subscribe to the Western Philosophy of Medicine, then I can search out no products that might help my ailments? We are a very healthy household and watch what we put into our bodies. On those extremely rare occasions that we might become ill, the FDA makes it damn near impossible for me to seek out a company who I feel is honest, hard-working and provides a good quality product that might help me become better? And if I do find that company and take my business there instead of purchasing a pharmaceutical from the companies who pay the bills for the FDA, then when profits of said pharmaceutical companies start to lower and they find out why, the FDA can go and take my chosen "medicinal provider" away from me, forcing me to use a pharmaceutical or suffer? Where is my freedom of choice?
What is also interesting to note is that in early 2008, the very scientists at the FDA screamed foul on corruption, noting that even though the very FDA scientists said a product should not go to market, the FDA managers went ahead and released them on the public anyways. I wonder if the new assisted suicide drug, Chantix, was among those? (Which I will also note they have put a "black box warning" on Chantix as it has attributed to approximately 300 suicide attempts/deaths, yet is STILL on the market.)
Another instance of this craziness is when the FDA went after General Mill's cereal Cheerios. Apparently, Cheerios was making claims that a bowl of Cheerios every morning could help you reduce your cholesterol by 10 points. According to the FDA, this is a health claim and General Mills could not make such claims unless they could prove it with a clinical trial... which they did and guess what, the FDA wouldn't accept it. So even though they have been making these heart healthy claims on their boxes for years, all of the sudden they can't? Why the change of "heart" FDA? Let's see, what Cholesterol drugs have been brought to the market in the past 12 years?
The bottom line is: Something stinks at the FDA and it isn't the bathrooms after eating White Bread which is apparently bad for you (but ok by the FDA). There is a serious problem happening in one of our largest Agencies and unfortunately, it isn't just with the electronic cigarette. It goes way deeper than that. And now that the FDA will be funded by the tobacco and pharmaceutical industries, as consumers, we better watch out. Word of advice: If anyone suggests that they lower taxes by having the FDA completely funded by those seeking applications, it's all over...
In my quest to fight the FDA on this ridiculousness that the electronic cigarette should not be compared to the current pharmaceutical and FDA approved Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT's), but be compared to a cigarette, I have been running into some very interesting articles that concern me.
First, I do want to make a small disclaimer. I have always been a fan of the idea of the FDA. From all of my research, it is very important to note that the original reason the FDA was formed was due to concerns that businesses were selling products promising some golden miracle, when in fact, they were not. The FDA was also created to ensure that food manufacturing processes were clean and sanitary to not spread disease through the masses. I agree with this mission whole heartedly, however, lately, I am finding more and more instances of the FDA misleading the public under the guise of public health and eliminating some very good products and impeding on the small business, free market society that America should have.
In a nutshell, I think the FDA has accumulated too much power, through both legislation and just by taking it, and this greatly concerns me for the future of America, for both products that SHOULD be evaluated by the FDA and for those that really have no business being regulated by the FDA, such as tobacco. It dilutes their focus and also leads them to do things that well, are simply not in the best interest of the consumer.
One very important fact everyone should know about the FDA: In 1992, Congress passed new legislation that changed where the FDA gets their financial backing. Originally, the FDA was funded by the taxpayer which would mean, they work for the people. The new legislation stated that the FDA shall now receive a portion of their funding from the very companies who seek approval for their products. So now, the FDA is actually working for the pharmaceutical companies who wish to get you, the consumer, to not look at your diet when you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but take a small little pill. Did you know this? I didn't. I had no idea that the FDA was paid for in part by the very people who want us to use their drugs. This also puts into perspective why TV commercials regarding this drug and that drug have been running rampant on the television since 1997. Coincidence? Hmmm....
Today's journey, provided to me by a new blogger,, has set the wheels in motion again. In one of his posts he sent me to an article in Natural News titled FDA Running Extortion Racket: Natural Supplement Companies Threatened with Arrest if They Don't Pay Up. Now, many will read this article and my post and say that this is simply a conspiracy theory run a muck. However, if one does a very simple Google Search on FDA (insert any negative word from Sucks, Scams, Extortion, Bad for your Health, etc), there are a lot of groups of people out there who are very concerned about the future with the FDA in it. Add them all together, and you will find some very common threads. VERY Common and they are all very concerning.
Everything in the article was concerning... And it is definitely an excellent read. However, the passage I found most interesting was this:
"It is the FDA's position that there is no such thing as any food, beverage, supplement or herb that has any health benefit whatsoever. Merely making such a claim instantly qualifies your product as a "new and unapproved drug," according to the FDA.
Officially, the FDA claims all health products are inert and have no properties other than their macronutrients (fiber, carbohydrates, protein, etc.).
There is only one class of substances that have any biological effect on the human body, the FDA claims: Pharmaceuticals. Only those patented, synthetic chemicals are allowed to be described as having benefits to human health."
So wait. If I don't subscribe to the Western Philosophy of Medicine, then I can search out no products that might help my ailments? We are a very healthy household and watch what we put into our bodies. On those extremely rare occasions that we might become ill, the FDA makes it damn near impossible for me to seek out a company who I feel is honest, hard-working and provides a good quality product that might help me become better? And if I do find that company and take my business there instead of purchasing a pharmaceutical from the companies who pay the bills for the FDA, then when profits of said pharmaceutical companies start to lower and they find out why, the FDA can go and take my chosen "medicinal provider" away from me, forcing me to use a pharmaceutical or suffer? Where is my freedom of choice?
What is also interesting to note is that in early 2008, the very scientists at the FDA screamed foul on corruption, noting that even though the very FDA scientists said a product should not go to market, the FDA managers went ahead and released them on the public anyways. I wonder if the new assisted suicide drug, Chantix, was among those? (Which I will also note they have put a "black box warning" on Chantix as it has attributed to approximately 300 suicide attempts/deaths, yet is STILL on the market.)
Another instance of this craziness is when the FDA went after General Mill's cereal Cheerios. Apparently, Cheerios was making claims that a bowl of Cheerios every morning could help you reduce your cholesterol by 10 points. According to the FDA, this is a health claim and General Mills could not make such claims unless they could prove it with a clinical trial... which they did and guess what, the FDA wouldn't accept it. So even though they have been making these heart healthy claims on their boxes for years, all of the sudden they can't? Why the change of "heart" FDA? Let's see, what Cholesterol drugs have been brought to the market in the past 12 years?
The bottom line is: Something stinks at the FDA and it isn't the bathrooms after eating White Bread which is apparently bad for you (but ok by the FDA). There is a serious problem happening in one of our largest Agencies and unfortunately, it isn't just with the electronic cigarette. It goes way deeper than that. And now that the FDA will be funded by the tobacco and pharmaceutical industries, as consumers, we better watch out. Word of advice: If anyone suggests that they lower taxes by having the FDA completely funded by those seeking applications, it's all over...
Bleached Flour,
Electronic Cigarette,
Thursday, September 3, 2009
White Bread... It appears to be really bad for you!
For years, I have had digestive issues that I thought were "normal". I thought it was normal to go #2 more than four times a day... thought it was normal to have a loose stool every time... and thought it was normal to be bloated to a point of being uncomfortable.
In taking a look at my life, I stopped taking birth control, stopped taking any and all medications, took my diet down to rice and started over. For a bit, I contemplated that my problems might stem from Celiac's disease which is where the body cannot break down gluten. This was not the case. What I deducted, was that I had a severe allergy to monosodium glutamate, commonly known as MSG, and also, finally figured out that I was allergic to bleached flour.
Another post on MSG will be coming soon.
However, today, I decided to take some time off from other projects and wander through Youtube where I happened to come across a video of an Austin Nutritionist discussing bleached flour.
What was most interesting to me was when he discusses the by product of bleaching, Alloxan. Alloxan is used to INDUCE diabetes in lab rats, so that pharmaceutical companies can test their diabetic drugs on them.
After going and researching much of what he said in this video, I found quite a bit that backs up his statements. I have found other nurses and doctors online that are shocked this is happening to our food supply and that the FDA is allowing it to happen.
According to the American Diabetes Association, "There are 23.6 million people in the United States, or 8% of the population, who have diabetes. The total prevalence of diabetes increased 13.5% from 2005-2007. Only 24% of diabetes is undiagnosed, down from 30% in 2005 and from 50% ten years ago." Hmmm... could it be something in the food supply causing this rise in diabetes? As someone who has several diabetics in their family, I am very aware of the life adjustments and pain that this severe disease can cause.
One of the side effects of Alloxan, is hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is when your blood sugar levels get too low. Some of the first side effects are:
* nervousness,
* sweating,
* intense hunger,
* trembling,
* weakness,
* palpitations, and
* often have trouble speaking.
If you let the problem persist, then the next round of symptoms can include confusion, drowsiness, changes in behavior, coma, and seizure.
Now, I am not a doctor. But for the first 30 years of my life I battled with anemia, which I still do, hypoglycemia, which was diagnosed by a doctor, and digestive problems, which I assume because no one goes to the bathroom, four to five times a day, all loose stool.
About a year ago, you might remember my post on Painting your Kitchen Green where I was excited about getting my new bread maker. Yes... I love it and still use it! Since switching to making my own bread at home and using all unbleached flour, I have recently been tested and my blood sugar levels are perfect. I also no longer suffer from anxiety, weakness, nervousness, changes in my behavior, drowsiness and just plain bitchiness. I find that going between meals is not as hard as it used to be and where I would before be literally unable to get up to make myself food and had to have orange juice brought to me just to get to the food... I no longer do.
I know. It could be a multitude of things. However, I know that I feel better since not eating bleached flour. So... give it a try! If you aren't feeling well for any reason, look at your diet. Figure out if it is something in your food supply that is causing your problem. It takes effort and if you need to, get a nutritionist. Personally, I couldn't afford one so I did it on my own and I am feeling so much better for it.
Coming soon... more on MSG... the nastiest of all nasty things added to your food! You wouldn't believe it. I have to settle before writing about that one because it is really really bad!
In taking a look at my life, I stopped taking birth control, stopped taking any and all medications, took my diet down to rice and started over. For a bit, I contemplated that my problems might stem from Celiac's disease which is where the body cannot break down gluten. This was not the case. What I deducted, was that I had a severe allergy to monosodium glutamate, commonly known as MSG, and also, finally figured out that I was allergic to bleached flour.
Another post on MSG will be coming soon.
However, today, I decided to take some time off from other projects and wander through Youtube where I happened to come across a video of an Austin Nutritionist discussing bleached flour.
What was most interesting to me was when he discusses the by product of bleaching, Alloxan. Alloxan is used to INDUCE diabetes in lab rats, so that pharmaceutical companies can test their diabetic drugs on them.
After going and researching much of what he said in this video, I found quite a bit that backs up his statements. I have found other nurses and doctors online that are shocked this is happening to our food supply and that the FDA is allowing it to happen.
According to the American Diabetes Association, "There are 23.6 million people in the United States, or 8% of the population, who have diabetes. The total prevalence of diabetes increased 13.5% from 2005-2007. Only 24% of diabetes is undiagnosed, down from 30% in 2005 and from 50% ten years ago." Hmmm... could it be something in the food supply causing this rise in diabetes? As someone who has several diabetics in their family, I am very aware of the life adjustments and pain that this severe disease can cause.
One of the side effects of Alloxan, is hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is when your blood sugar levels get too low. Some of the first side effects are:
* nervousness,
* sweating,
* intense hunger,
* trembling,
* weakness,
* palpitations, and
* often have trouble speaking.
If you let the problem persist, then the next round of symptoms can include confusion, drowsiness, changes in behavior, coma, and seizure.
Now, I am not a doctor. But for the first 30 years of my life I battled with anemia, which I still do, hypoglycemia, which was diagnosed by a doctor, and digestive problems, which I assume because no one goes to the bathroom, four to five times a day, all loose stool.
About a year ago, you might remember my post on Painting your Kitchen Green where I was excited about getting my new bread maker. Yes... I love it and still use it! Since switching to making my own bread at home and using all unbleached flour, I have recently been tested and my blood sugar levels are perfect. I also no longer suffer from anxiety, weakness, nervousness, changes in my behavior, drowsiness and just plain bitchiness. I find that going between meals is not as hard as it used to be and where I would before be literally unable to get up to make myself food and had to have orange juice brought to me just to get to the food... I no longer do.
I know. It could be a multitude of things. However, I know that I feel better since not eating bleached flour. So... give it a try! If you aren't feeling well for any reason, look at your diet. Figure out if it is something in your food supply that is causing your problem. It takes effort and if you need to, get a nutritionist. Personally, I couldn't afford one so I did it on my own and I am feeling so much better for it.
Coming soon... more on MSG... the nastiest of all nasty things added to your food! You wouldn't believe it. I have to settle before writing about that one because it is really really bad!
Bleached Flour,
Bread Maker,
Unbleached Flour
Monday, August 31, 2009
Mmmm... Peanut Butter

Ok... so many have probably read about my distrust for ConAgra due to the "Peanut Butter Fiasco" as I like to call it. In a nutshell, several years ago, before this last huge peanut butter scandal that rocked the US, ConAgra put some peanut butter out on the market that had salmonella in it as well. Stupidly, I bought some one sale thinking peanut butter is peanut butter and well... unwillingly gave my 3 old dose after dose of salmonella. Poor thing.
Since then, I have been on the hunt for the perfect peanut butter. One from a company that I *think* I can trust and one that doesn't have the issues of separating or needing to be refrigerated. One of the worst problems with organic peanut butter is that it separates and needs to be constantly stirred due to oil separation. The other issue is that most organic peanut butters also need to be refrigerated and then it is impossible to stir or spread. Plus it is cold. Jelly should be cold... peanut butter, room temp. IMHO.
So... after trying tons of different kinds I FINALLY came across one that while it isn't USDA organic... it is pretty good. Earth Balance, Natural Peanut Butter with Flaxseed - Creamy. Mmmmm... and the now 5 year old has given it the double thumbs up so that's good.
In 2006, Boulder Specialty Brands acquired GFA Brands, Inc . After doing a simple google search using the words complaints, peanut butter and the variations of their names, I can't find anything, which is pretty amazing in this day and age.
So! If you are looking for a good peanut butter, try this one. It spreads well, it doesn't separate, you don't have to refrigerate it and it doesn't appear to come with salmonella in tote!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Caffeine. To be or not to be.
So. In a quest to make myself a better/healthier person, I have attempted to eliminate caffeine and I must say, it has been a freaking disaster.
Let me start off by noting that I am usually a two cup a day coffee drinker and that is it. That's it! No soda. Very little chocolate as I don't really have a sweet tooth.
The first two weeks I suffered from horrendous migraine headaches. Horrible. Once those subsided, I noticed that I was strongly drawn to tobacco cigarettes, which having not had a cigarette in four months was odd. So I caved. Had one. Why not. Had one, had two, next thing I know... I have had 5 smokes a day for the past week or so. This is horrible! I have come so far.
The next part of the craving for my coffee was that every time I would walk past my coffee maker, I wanted to hug it. I also have never been one to purchase coffee and recently have noticed that I am noticing every coffee shop along the road. Hmmm... I wonder what they have in there today?
Today was the last straw. I woke up at 5:30am having a dream about coffee and all of the different flavors that are available and what I would like to have and what I want in it. Then I decided screw it. I am going back to the coffee. I am going to have my coffee, 2 cups in the morning and I am going to give up on the 5 cigarettes a day. I mean seriously. Which one is worse?
I will never admit that I have failed at quitting cigarettes because well... I am a smoker and no matter what I do, 5 cigarettes is far better than a full pack. But it is seriously time that I make a commitment to myself and to the earth that there be no more arsenic in my system. Caffeine though... different story.
Let me start off by noting that I am usually a two cup a day coffee drinker and that is it. That's it! No soda. Very little chocolate as I don't really have a sweet tooth.
The first two weeks I suffered from horrendous migraine headaches. Horrible. Once those subsided, I noticed that I was strongly drawn to tobacco cigarettes, which having not had a cigarette in four months was odd. So I caved. Had one. Why not. Had one, had two, next thing I know... I have had 5 smokes a day for the past week or so. This is horrible! I have come so far.
The next part of the craving for my coffee was that every time I would walk past my coffee maker, I wanted to hug it. I also have never been one to purchase coffee and recently have noticed that I am noticing every coffee shop along the road. Hmmm... I wonder what they have in there today?
Today was the last straw. I woke up at 5:30am having a dream about coffee and all of the different flavors that are available and what I would like to have and what I want in it. Then I decided screw it. I am going back to the coffee. I am going to have my coffee, 2 cups in the morning and I am going to give up on the 5 cigarettes a day. I mean seriously. Which one is worse?
I will never admit that I have failed at quitting cigarettes because well... I am a smoker and no matter what I do, 5 cigarettes is far better than a full pack. But it is seriously time that I make a commitment to myself and to the earth that there be no more arsenic in my system. Caffeine though... different story.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
5020 Ciggie Butts that I did not Contribute!
So... here I am. Smoking my ecig. I smoke it at least 15 times a day. I have gotten down to a combination of no nicotine and low nicotine, smoking mostly no nicotine all day and then smoking low nicotine at night, with a beverage or two (wink wink). It is wonderful that I am still smoking, but not really.
I feel awesome. Just this past weekend we went to the park and I ran about a half mile from where we were to the bus to get the camera, and I didn't stop at all! No pain, no wheezing. No lung burning. When I got to the bus I realized I had run the whole way and thought back to the last time that had happened... it was my last year of track, 8th grade year... just before I became a smoker.
I love the smell... the taste... all of it. I love that I can smell and taste! I love that I have not contributed one cigarette butt since when? Oh I can't remember and I don't even care. But just for calculation purposes, I left the tobacco behind on January 18th. This means that I haven't smoked in 116 days. At a pack a day that's 2320 cigarette butts. For six months before that, I only had 5-6 cigs a day so for estimation purposes, that would be 2700 cigarette butts. So, over the past 296 days I have eliminated 5020 cigarette butts from the earth's litter problem!
Oh my... and think of all of the toxins in my smoke I haven't contributed either!?! How do I even calculate that? Anyone?
Yeah for me! Yeah for the Earth!
I feel awesome. Just this past weekend we went to the park and I ran about a half mile from where we were to the bus to get the camera, and I didn't stop at all! No pain, no wheezing. No lung burning. When I got to the bus I realized I had run the whole way and thought back to the last time that had happened... it was my last year of track, 8th grade year... just before I became a smoker.
I love the smell... the taste... all of it. I love that I can smell and taste! I love that I have not contributed one cigarette butt since when? Oh I can't remember and I don't even care. But just for calculation purposes, I left the tobacco behind on January 18th. This means that I haven't smoked in 116 days. At a pack a day that's 2320 cigarette butts. For six months before that, I only had 5-6 cigs a day so for estimation purposes, that would be 2700 cigarette butts. So, over the past 296 days I have eliminated 5020 cigarette butts from the earth's litter problem!
Oh my... and think of all of the toxins in my smoke I haven't contributed either!?! How do I even calculate that? Anyone?
Yeah for me! Yeah for the Earth!
Monday, May 4, 2009
The Electronic Cigarette Association takes Action
Well. I have been a busy girl lately. The ecig has taken off and many may or may not have heard that there has been a call by the American Cancer Society, American Lung Association, Tobacco Free Kids, and Senator Lautenburg, to have the FDA ban the electronic cigarette.
It has all been very interesting. Over 20 suppliers have gotten together to form the Electronic Cigarette Association (ECA). It was the intention to fight fire with fire... force the propaganda from the other side to stand up and defend it's untruthful position.
And so... with great pleasure, I would like to introduce Former Congressman and President of the Electronic Cigarette Association, Matt Salmon, who will help keep people like me, smoking our ecigs and not smoking tobacco!
YEAH!!! The greener way to smoke will truly get it's day and hopefully, all smokers who are out there, still fumbling with their lighters, ashes, and deadly carcinogens and tar... will be able to make the brand switch forever!
Oh and PS: I am still going strong. I haven't smoked tobacco since Jan! That's the longest I have gone without tobacco since I was 15 years old. Heck yeah! And the best part... I am still a smoker! I can enjoy my smoke along side my tobacco smoker friends... I don't feel weird, I feel myself... It's liberating!
It has all been very interesting. Over 20 suppliers have gotten together to form the Electronic Cigarette Association (ECA). It was the intention to fight fire with fire... force the propaganda from the other side to stand up and defend it's untruthful position.
And so... with great pleasure, I would like to introduce Former Congressman and President of the Electronic Cigarette Association, Matt Salmon, who will help keep people like me, smoking our ecigs and not smoking tobacco!
YEAH!!! The greener way to smoke will truly get it's day and hopefully, all smokers who are out there, still fumbling with their lighters, ashes, and deadly carcinogens and tar... will be able to make the brand switch forever!
Oh and PS: I am still going strong. I haven't smoked tobacco since Jan! That's the longest I have gone without tobacco since I was 15 years old. Heck yeah! And the best part... I am still a smoker! I can enjoy my smoke along side my tobacco smoker friends... I don't feel weird, I feel myself... It's liberating!
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