Friday, March 14, 2008

A Word on Honey

Here was my question: Does honey go bad?

No. Honey can not go bad. It can crystalize and separate, but keeps indefinitely.
To fix this problem, all you need to do heat it up. So... I will have to try this.

We use A LOT of honey. Tonite, we chowed on our favorite organic fries and Eat Well Popcorn Chicken. So you have to have honey mustard. It is as easy as it sounds. You can make it heavy on whichever flavor and you can pick the mustard to go in it. With mustard: the ingredients are pretty mellow in the regular, non-organic versions. If they are low in calories, salt, etc and they don't contain any words that you can't say in one breath, then go with it. Taste of course is important as mustard, is something very personal. Seriously! It goes on your bread, it goes in your honey and well... you might have another place you use mustard. Compare the cheap brand to the expensive brand... see the differences.

I have just realized today, that a ConAgra food product has made it into my house. My mustard. Gulden's Spicy Mustard. It all stems from the one time, I buy Peter Pan Peanut Butter because it is on sale and a fast grab... and the crap gives my daughter Salmonella. This truly was my moment of almost full transition... especially for my daughter. I have always upheld healthy eating habits for her. However, I removed anything ConAgra and began moving to all items USDA approved Organic. You would not believe how many products are eliminated from your home when you choose to boycott a brand for whatever reasons. You will be shocked!

So, the moral to this story is that I will be washing that bottle of Mustard out and will attempt a "Make Your Own Mustard" recipe this weekend. I will let you know how it turns out. My pickle relish is awesome. (Buy or jar a jar of pickles: I buy. My mother in law jars. When you need relish, pull out your little food processor and turn that baby on. Voila! Fresh relish. And depending on your taste in pickles... it can be whatever flavor you want.

Organic and unprocessed is all about making food and condiments the way you favor.

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