Monday, September 8, 2008

Have you seen my Snake?

A few weeks ago, Jake slithered off to the neighbors and I think they killed him. They kill everything that ends up in their yard and their mini grill between our houses, let's just say it delivers some not so regular meat smelling smells.

Anyhow. I haven't seen Jake in almost a month. We have also encountered several "new" snakes. I am sorry to say that in a moment of weed eating, a small snake slithered across my path. After nicking him badly in the tail end, I rolled him over to see if he was able to move on. Unfortunately, he did not realize that I was attempting to send him on his way. Instead he came at me and just about bit my finger off. So, the little bastard had to die. Sad. Yes. But, with a dog and a kid in the yard, can't have that! After looking at his brown markings and the traditional chin and neck of a poisonous snake, he met his maker.

So I miss Jake. I am fearful in my yard. Hopefully, he has not been put death and will find his way home before someone else does.

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