Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Light Bulb Question

My boss gets a good laugh when I agree with him that this "Earth Loving Hippee" isn't yet sold on the CFL or Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb. Yes... they definitely save on the amount of energy used to run them. However, what about the disposal process? Containing high amounts of mercury... we all know that our county recycling programs don't pick up light bulbs so where else would you put it? but the garbage can. And where does that go? To the dump.
I have done hours of research online to determine which way to go because frankly, we are still on the old version of the incandescent light bulb. I buy extremely low wattage bulbs. And so low, that our new IKEA ceiling LED lights in our new fixtures are blinding! So how did I end up with IKEA brand lights? Well, honestly, the light fixture was the right cost. A whopping $19.99 and with three, lovely, low wattage and extremely bright LED lights, my husband was sold. What I was sold on was the fact that I could bring my LED lights back to IKEA for disposal. Now this isn't all that great still yet because that means I will have to drive 20 miles to the nearest IKEA which takes me out of my 5 mile per day in the car TOTAL comfort zone. However, considering I literally put no more than one tank of gas in my car per month... a wonderful decision of living in a more expensive house closer to both of our jobs... I can venture out into the world for a drive once-in-awhile.
Back to the bulb.
I have found two extremely useful points of information to share: Fact Sheet and this helpful little spreadsheet created by Product Dose.
I still don't know what to do about my regular lamps. I am working on this though and for a Sunday... have done enough research to understand that I am still not sold on the CFL's until I know there is a recycling program somewhere local and all Google searches have turned up diddly-squat. Oh well... until then... we will continue to turn off the lights and be good little environmentalists the old fashioned way.

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