Saturday, March 1, 2008

I welcome myself...

I have tried at least four times to start my first blog ever. What kind of blogger am I? How am I supposed to put my deepest and darkest and nastiest thoughts out there on the innerweb to let the whole world see? I haven't the foggiest godamn (spelled properly thank you) clue.

A few things about myself... I am a mom. I have a garden. I work at a full time job. I have a college degree. I am married. I have a dog. I have issues. I love to drink. I love to smoke but quit. 10 weeks ago. I eat as organic as possible and still eat lots and lots of meat, chicken, sausage, bacon sandwiches etc. I recycle. I love being outdoors.

So to my fellow Green Preservation Society Members... enjoy!

1 comment:

Muser Grace said...

Yay! A Joanna blog! Welcome to the blog world. :)